24.07.2012, 00:12
Сообщений: n/a

Сообщение от Airbass
ответ 4 или 7?
Я наверно отвечу 4, ибо на запрос NFS World CB4 на ютубе выдается туча видео с 4 беты, в отличие от CB5, на которое я там вообще ничего не нашел.
Из-за отсутствия сна я туплю. Спросил у Вики, она сказала, что
The game was first announced to be free-to-play. In October 2009, World was opened to public beta-testing limited to residents of Taiwan. There have been seven closed beta sessions in total. Except the first one, all were available worldwide to residents who sign up, meet admission criteria, and get accepted. An open beta was started on July 2, 2010 at 10am PDT. The Beta was scheduled to close on July 6, 2010 but was extended to July 9, 2010. A stress-test was opened from July 13 through 14th, 2010. Players who purchased the starter pack were able to play the game one week before the official release. Players who did not purchase the starter pack were able to play on July 27, 2010.
Так что ответ 7
Последний раз редактировалось Arrjo; 24.07.2012 в 00:15.